
Delivering professional excellence in the UK & Europe


Evaluation provides traditional building and specialist mechanical, electrical, and public health (MEP) Cost Consultancy, Commercial Management, Project Management, Building Surveying and Contract Services

The range of services provided by Evaluation is specifically tailored to the individual needs of clients on an appointment-by-appointment basis. As a professional and Chartered Surveying Practice, all our appointments are undertaken in accordance with the guidance of the RICS and their Rules of Conduct for Firms.



We aim
to add VALUE
& utilise

Our approach to any project is to focus on understanding the needs and priorities of our clients and to ensure that these are met. We look to add value throughout the course of our appointment and to utilise innovation alongside tried and trusted approaches to ensure the successful completion of any scheme we are involved with. Our intention is to always be an integral member of the project team and work closely with the client, wider project team and other stakeholders.

Please contact us for further information
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